New browser war battles arise

New browser war battle arise in Betanews news article about Firefox 1.5 release. It was provoke just by this comment:

Opens page in IE 6.0. Ok.
Opens page in Firefox 1.5. Ok.
Opens page in Opera 8.5. Still doesn't work.
Yes, I see a pattern… Opera devs doesn't care about proper JavaScript support.

Also slashdotters have their usual browsers battle too.
Yeeeeah! I like browser wars. 😀

One Reply to “New browser war battles arise”

  1. I have grown weary from battle. At least on slashdot there seems to be quite few more supporters now that it’s free.I say it’s simply a preference. Both have pros, both have cons. It’s like arguing a religion because most people are simply unwilling to admit they are wrong or that there is another point of view that is equally as valid.Oh well, it’s still fun. I just jump in whenever I see a mistake nowadays. Gone are the days of me jumping in with comments like: “well, Opera has had that feature since verion X!” because they are not really getting anyone anywhere.For me, it all comes down to simplicity in distribution. I like Opera to manage everything. They get most of the features I like right and they do it for me. FF allows me to do it myself, but I don’t want to take the time to make extensions and I get lost and frustrated trying to find and install an extension I need.That and Opera really is an innovative company. I’ll always jump on that bandwagon if anything to foster support for them to continue innovating.

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