Quote from official Heroes of Annihilated Empires web site:
This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4.xx or higher. Javascript enabled. Webmaster. Opera Software products are not supported. In case any problems concerning this web-site functioning under Opera Software encountered contact Opera Software technical support service.
It was not a surprise for me that site working just fine with Opera 7-9… Probably their webmaster some kind of Opera hater, because quote from the top shows even if you using IE. What a shame. :down:
But anyway, I love games from GSC Game World. 😉
Wow, I just checked it out… What a strange thing to put up as it does indeed work fine for me..
if the template changes the copyright (Copyright © 1995-2006) with a sript, it could be possible that nobody looked at the footer since the last relaunch.most bad things happen, because we don´t work carefully.